
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This really makes you stop and not just think, but to self reflect and very on point about how we view ourselves. This was an eye opener, uplifting and brought tears to my eyes. I loved it.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Self Esteem: It Matters

Self-esteem is indeed the heart of the matter. In my life journey thus far, each person who came to “know thyself,” seemed to me to be calmer, stronger, more real, more honest, more successful in their relationships, and genuinely caring and helpful people.

I created a page on Facebook pertaining to this subject. I will copy the link below. Please feel free to visit, and to also post/comment on there as well. I welcome you to this blog and to my page, and I truly look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Well Here it Goes...

I created this blog page as a requirement to a college class I am in. I chose this class to fulfill an elective, and so far I have to say I am glad that I did. I have truly been learning a great deal regarding the ways of the Digital world we live in. This blog is an example of that. Before now, I had no clue as to how to go about creating a blog account. I have learned the differences as well between Micro blog and blogs, social media versus social networking and so forth.
I am half way through this course, and I feel like there is so much more to learn and I am looking forward to it.